Local Government Training Centre in Mali (CFCT)

Project information:
Name: CFCT Mali / National Local Government Training Centre
Location: Kati (near Bamako), Mali
Year: 2010-2013
Financing: German-Malian Finacial Cooperation through KfW-Entwicklungsbank
Status: Completed
Partners: GITEC Consult (lead), Agetipe-Mali, Ofetoc, Acart, European Union (furniture and IT-equipment)
tri-lo's contribution: Team Leader and overall coordination in Mali, architectural design and construction supervision, energy efficiency measures, maintenance training
Overall: Construction of the new training centre for local governments with low energy consumption
Room programme: multipurpose hall/canteen, class rooms, library/media centre, administration building, dormitories, service area, basketball pitch
Equipment: professional kitchen equipment, furniture (partly, others by European Union)
Trainings: Maintenance training (including manual production)
Energy efficiency measures:
Thermally insulated roofs with permanently cross-ventilated ceiling voids
Large roof overhangs and bris-soleils shade the façades
Natural cross-ventilation in all larger rooms via windows (manual control)
Vegetation within the green courtyards allows for evaporative cooling
24kWp photovoltaic system for all external lights and the borehole pump