Police school for specialised training in Mali (STT SOC)
Project information:
Name: STT SOC Mali / Police school for specialised training
Location: Bamako, Mali
Year: 2016-2020
Financing: German Foreign Ministry; Funds channeled through MINUSMA / UN peacekeeping mission in Mali
Status: Completed
Partners: Artek Group Mali, UNPOL, Ecole National de la Police, GIZ, MINUSMA
tri-lo's contribution: Feasibility study, complete architectural design, energy efficiency measures
Overall: Construction of the new police school for "specialised training team on serious and organized crime, counter terrorism and forensics (STT SOC)"
Programme: 3 classrooms, office, kitchenette, sanitary areas, storage room, external areas
Energy efficiency measures:
Canopy roof with bamboo canes to shade the roofs and façades
Fan lights to create thermally induced natural ventilation
Natural cross-ventilation in all classrooms via windows (manual control)
Green façades shade the external walls and together with the green courtyards create evaporative cooling
LED lights throughout